Tech Week in Review 2-16-2010

Google Follow Finder

Follow Finder is a nifty little app that will help you find people to follow. You plugin your Twitter username and it will scan your public social graph to show you people you might want to follow. It’s hosted on App Engine and makes extensive use of Twitter’s new @anywhere platform.

  1. Tweeps you might like: We start with the list of people you follow, find others with similar lists, and then identify accounts you might also want to follow. If people with similar lists tend to follow accounts that aren’t in your list, we’ll recommend those additional accounts to you. For example, if you follow CNN and the New York Times on Twitter, and most people who follow CNN and the New York Times also tend to follow TIME, we’ll suggest TIME as a user to follow.
  2. Tweeps with similar followers: We find people with similar public lists of followers to yours. For example, if ten people are following you, and the same ten people are following a second user, we’ll include the second user in this list. You may already be following some of these people.

Twitter @anywhere

Twitter’s @anywhere platform literally lets you put Twitter anywhere. You can add advanced integration features to your blog or website that will integrate it tightly into Twitter. Visitors can follow you with a click. You can automatically linkify @usernames and add hovercard functionality. It’s no harder to implement than any other Javascript widget. For full details, check out the tutorial at SocialTimes.

How Much Do Artists Earn Online?

The music industry is in a constant state of change due to the Internet and social media. Customers have become accustomed to immediate access to music and many music consumers don’t even know what’s it’s like to have a physical music collection. But the question is, how is this new marketplace affecting artists? This image by David McCandless gives us a rough estimation.

Cuil Launches Cpedia and Lashes Out at Users

Cuil was supposed to be the “Google killer.” A search engine above all other search engines. It was supposed to cure cancer and solve wo

rld hunger. Ok..maybe not that last part, but the hype around Cuil was at such a ridiculous level that when we all found out how uncool Cuil really was, there was a huge backlash against it. That was 2008.

Almost two years later, the makers of Cuil have launched Cpedia. This is some kind of Wikipedia competitor where the data is automatically pulled together from mentions about some topic or person. It’s actually a cool idea, but some of the results are either extremely useless or extremely hilarious. This resulted in some not-so-nice press about Cpedia.

That would be the end of it, except that Cuil CEO Tom Costello went in on all the Cpedia “haters” (his word, not mine) in a blog post…and you thought the tech world didn’t have any drama.