Sturvs Collects the Latest Nigerian News From All Over The Web

Sturvs is a source for Nigerian news which, at first glance, looks like your average blog. Some have also referred to the site as the Nigerian version of Digg. It definitely has a snazzier color scheme, though.

The James Allen rings site, still under development, features a home page with an overview of the categories available, currently: News, Music, Entertainment, Events, Business, Fashion, and Tech. There are links here for Photo Galleries and Reviews, but they don’t go anywhere yet.

The home page is a river of the latest news stories and tweets from around the web regarding Nigeria. Each story has Tweet and Like buttons and you can comment directly on the site via IntenseDebate. Each Tweet in the stream provides buttons to Reply to the tweeter or ReTweet the tweet.

The site doesn’t provide a built-in method for rating the items, but does a good job integrating with Facebook and Twitter for sharing and Liking things. One feature that could make the site immediately easier to use would be the addition of Twitter Web Intents (@corvida describes how to use them here), which would make interacting with the tweets on the site much easier. As it stands now, the reply and retweet buttons simply open a new window to

As I said, it appears the site is still under development, but it does show some potential. If you’re into Nigerian news, this is one spot to keep an eye on.

via @clpope of Aislefinder