Only one thing is impossible for God: To find any sense in any copyright law on the planet.
Mark Twain
NBC Celebrates Black History Month with Fried Chicken and Corn Bread
HipChat: Better-Than-Enterprise Instant Messaging for Your Organization
Amplify: Discover, Broadcast, and Discuss Clips of the Web
One-to-Many Posting Options Still Lacking
I just recently (today) started using a service called Amplify that I learned about on Twitter. It’s supposed to let you easily share things across your social networks and provides a central place for discussion. I won’t get into too much detail about the specifics, but there is one major thing that instantly bothered me. Here is a screenshot of a post on my Ampblog regarding the RPM Challenge:
Looks good, right? The bookmarklet is excellent. Let’s you select regions of the page and intelligently pieces them together into a baby blog post. I was impressed, until I took a look at how Amplify posted to my other services.
Ok, fair enough. Twitter doesn’t do images and is limited to 140 characters. This is good. I believe the URL is only that long because I hadn’t connected yet.
Uh, what’s this? It looks just like the tweet. I’m quite sure Facebook is capable of handling images and including thumbnails of stuff when you share it, so why is this Facebook share so bland?
Here is the Amplify post on my Posterous blog. Again, no images. Why is the good stuff being stripped away?
As you all may know, I’m a It’s my go-to service when I want to speak to everyone everywhere. My problem with has always been that it doesn’t really do video and images (well, it does photos to flickr). I can’t be mad at that because wasn’t created that way. It’s all about status updates.
The other tool I use a lot for posting one-to-many is Posterous itself. It actually does do a better job of carrying over video and photos, but it has the same problem that Amplify does when it comes to Facebook. No Media!
Well, sometimes photos show up, but videos don’t embed. Oh, I also have to run it through Feed-buster to get images in FriendFeed (yes, I still FriendFeed).
I am well aware that there are probably technological, underlying issues with getting media into Facebook and getting it to display nicely. I’m also aware that there may be issues with trying to get external images and video to show up on a 3rd party service. As a user, though, none of that matters. The point is still that I can’t share stuff the way I want. I have to settle for less…and that kinda sucks.
Tech Week in Review 1-28-2009
The iPad Becomes Reality
It’s not the iSlate or the iTablet, it’s the iPad and it’s actually a real and tangible device. I’m so glad it was finally released as we can now enter a downward spiral of incessant “news” about an actual piece of technology instead of the escalating barrage of posts filled with rumor […]
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How to Reverse Your Polarity
Whatever things you hold onto in your thoughts will be the things you get out of life. I’m talking about your real thoughts, the ones in your subconscious, not the ones in your head as you look at your reflection and chant “I am somebody.”
Following from that, there is a serious problem with the way most of us think. Instead of thinking about what’s positive in our lives, we focus on everything that’s negative. Thinking about these negative things will, eventually, bring them into your life. Of course, this isn’t true of all of your thoughts, just the ones you focus on the most.
I’m sure this is some kind of survival mechanism, always looking out for danger and thinking about how to avoid it but, this is completely unnecessary in the world we live in now. For some people, it borders on paranoia.
For instance, some people spend a lot of time thinking about sickness. Some of them have even been diagnosed with stuff, helping to keep the thought of SICK at the forefront of their minds. Every time they don’t feel 100%, the thought of some ailment or another is amplified in their mind, bringing about the very thing they dread.
Do you know parents who are over-protective of their kids?
The children can’t play without a close watchful eye, they can’t leave the yard, they’re constantly admonished about this or that. Get down from there! Be careful! Slow down! You’ll put your eye out! A constant barrage of verbal warnings fueled by a mind riddled with doubt about their child’s safety.
We have it backwards, folks. If we keep focusing on what we don’t want, it’s exactly what we’ll get. The trick is to reverse your polarity. Any time you find yourself focusing on the negative, flip it to the positive:
- Nobody wants to see their kids hurt. The next time you find yourself stressing about it, focus instead on how well they’re developing. How fearless they are. How fast they can move. How agile they are.
We have an extensive list of, from Swedish massage and trigger point release to lymph drainage, all designed to address concerns from acute yet straightforward issues to complex and chronic conditions,
The next time you’re feeling slightly off, realize that it’s probably no big deal. Your reality is health, as that is the way we spend most of our lives. I’m not saying you shouldn’t get certain things checked out by a professional, but you shouldn’t feel that every little thing is the beginning of the end.
In a more general sense, you have to catch yourself when you see that you’re dwelling on potential failure of any kind. Refocus on your goals, the things you actually want your life to be, and don’t be afraid to take those actions that will bring those things to you.
Can you reverse your polarity?
Google Docs Adds Thumbnails and Spell-check
Google has made a few updates to Google Docs recently that could have a major effect on how you use it. A couple were just added today: Thumbnail view has been added to the Document list and spelling correction was added to the search feature.
Thumbnails View and Search Spell-check
The thumbnails view will help in quickly […]
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Russian Ice-skating Team Impersonate Aboriginals and Win
Russian ice-skating team Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin took the ice in what appeared to be brown tights with white designs painted all over them. The costumes were also decorated with leaves around their wrists and knees, ropes around their waists, and red cloth. The routine and costumes were, according to them, was based on […]
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Seesmic Look Is Pretty, But…
They went from an online video community to a Twitter client. Now, Seesmic has released Look, a Windows application that claims to immerse you in the real-time web. I’ve been playing with it for a day or so and I have to admit…I’m quite confused. Seesmic Look is supposed to be geared towards those people who […]
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Tech Week in Review 1-22-2010
Foursquare and Yelp Got Beef?
On the 15th, Yelp stepped into Foursquare’s arena, introducing a location check-in feature in it’s new iPhone app. Competition is usually a good thing though, pushes innovation. In this case, it looks like Yelp did a little more than provide some competition. In a post on his Tumblr blog, Foursquare co-founder […]
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Tagged Gives Haiti $50,000 Via Yele
Social networking site Tagged has announced today that they will be donating $50,000 to the Yele Haiti Earthquake Fund. Last time we covered Tagged, they had beat Twitter in a Neilsen poll which ranked social sites based on how long users spent on them. Last week, they announced they would donate a maximum of $25,000 […]
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How To Wibiyafy Your Blog
Wibiya opened to the public a little while ago, providing the opportunity for the average blogger to spruce things up and possibly increase page views. This works by providing visitors with valuable tools integrated directly into your blog, keeping them engaged with your content. In other words, it makes your blog or website stickier.
In this […]
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Wyclef Responds to Accusations Against Yele
Almost as soon as the crisis in Haiti occurred, the word came out that you could text “Yele” to 501501 to easily donate money. This resulted in over 2 million dollars being raised by the organization to aid those in need. As is usually the case when this type of money is involved, some decided […]
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Tech Week in Review 1-15-2010
Facebook by Email
Millions of people, prevented from accessing Facebook at work, can now rejoice as Facebook now lets you reply to comments via email. Honestly, I have no earthly idea what took them so long. As much as Facebook spams your inbox with notifications, one wonders why they’re just now turning this feature on. Remember […]
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