Google Buzz, PleaseRobMe, and Privacy Scare Tactics


With Google Buzz recently launching inside of your Gmail, many people immediately became concerned about their privacy. The primary reason being that there was a social component inside their email inbox, a place normally reserved for private discussion.

The other concern that arose was the way Google built your network. Most social networks are built, brick-by-brick, by the user. This is a huge pain to repeat every time you join something new. What Google did was use the wealth of information it already has on your to build your network for you and get you started. What they also did was make this new friend’s list visible to the public on your Google Profile page, just like any other social network.

Buzz also has location sharing available, which is a whole other can of worms when it comes to privacy concerns. Which brings us to the website It’s a website that monitors location-based checkins and lets the world know when you are not home. Does that scare you?

Regardless of the various arguments, anecdotes, and opinions that can be expressed by these privacy “issues,” there is one thread that remains constant and true:

These so-called privacy concerns are just scare tactics to boost traffic

Think about this logically for a moment. Do your contacts on any social network immediately imply any connection between you and another individual besides the fact that you interact with them on that social network? If my Buzz contacts include Robert Scoble, Louis Gray, P. Diddy, and Barrack Obama, does that mean anything? The answer to both of these questions is Absolutely Not. In order to be afraid (and yes, it is only fear that motivates privacy concerns) of my contacts being made public, I have to make the assumption that someone besides me can make sense of that data. My contacts alone mean nothing to an outside observer.


The same goes for PleaseRobMe. I check in at the grocery store. Suddenly, the world knows I’m not at home. Oh no! Now I’m gonna get robbed because I’m not home. Nevermind the fact that I have a family, a security system, several dogs, a platoon of security ninjas, and nosy neighbors. Regardless of whether the world knows I’m home or not, a potential robber still has to go through the same procedure of casing the house and whatnot before they can actually rob me successfully. Again, in order to be worried about this data being public, I have to make assumptions.

I do not mean to imply that location sharing has never led to a robbery. I also don’t mean to imply that having a public contact list has ever resulted in some other type of misfortune, but these are edge cases. These situations are not the norm. Also, people were being robbed way before location sharing existed.

So, before you go getting excited about the latest privacy scare as it relates to technology, take a moment and think about it. Is it a legit privacy concern, or is it just something being drummed up by the media or the blogosphere to boost their traffic?

h/t Hutch Carpenter

The Eagle Eye is Watching Whether You Like it Or Not

There is no such thing as privacy anymore.

Go back and read that again….I’ll wait….

Now that you grasp that, don’t you feel a little better? Maybe like a weight has been lifted off your shoulders? Breathe.

Now, you don’t have to go around being so damn secretive all the time. You no longer have to try and hide things. You don’t have to stress out so much about Them finding out about that thing you did. You don’t have to keep wondering if They will ever get around to asking you about that thing you swore you would never speak of again.

They Already Know

That shouldn’t scare you. If they cared, they would have taken action by now, right? Here you are, beating yourself up and stressing over this and they don’t even care. Wow, don’t you feel silly. Whatever privacy you think you have is simply the illusion They have manifested before you so that you never really catch on to the truth. You, however, know the truth now. 

You’re probably reading this on a computer or cell phone. You’re connected. You’re plugged in. The very system that allows you to enjoy the convenience of information at your fingertips at all times is the same one They are using to track you’re every move.

They have your social security number, your birth records, shots, dental, medical, and financial records. They know what kind of beer you like, sexual preference, favorite TV shows and movies. They even know which hand you use to do that thing you thought you were doing in private.

The Red Pill or The Blue Pill

It always comes down to those damn pills, doesn’t it? 

The first choice is freedom. Do as you please with the knowledge that someone somewhere probably knows you did it, whether you wanted them to or not. It’s simply the path that technology and hyper-connectivity has placed us on. Keep updating Twitter everytime you eat a mango. Take grainy photos of yourself in the bathroom and post them on MySpace. Keep that relationship status updated on Facebook and for God’s sake, make sure you keep favoriting those racy photos over on Flickr.

If They are going to watch you anyway, you may as well have fun.

The second choice is isolation. Disconnect your internet connection, cancel your cell phone, close the blinds and lock your door. If anyone comes, send them away. Don’t talk to anybody, they could leak information about you. Cut all lines running to your home and for God’s sake do NOT leave the house. 

You never know who is watching

This Post is Stupid. My Privacy is Intact. I’m Careful!

Really? My mistake then.

Sorry to bother you.