Leapfish Brings the Web New Life

LeapFish is an interesting search portal that creates it’s results by pulling together information from the major search engines. It also includes results from the social web and embeds all types of media directly on the results page. As you type your search, the results are pulled together using their “proprietary hyper-threading technology” in conjunction with the API’s of each service. Basically, LeapFish is a meta search engine.

Today, LeapFish is kicking it into overdrive by adding something me and most of the web is pretty excited about: Realtime. They will combine this with tighter integration with social networking sites and the ability to basically share anything you find instantly to your social networks from LeapFish.com.

Leapfish 2.0 will yield information from every inch of the Internet – breaking news headlines, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. – and will even allow for user ratings to ensure that everyone receives the most important information first.

Leapfish is calling the ever-changing environment that the web has become the new Living Web.

There are other realtime search engines out there, but they haven’t really delivered what they’ve promised as far as I can see. Leapfish, approaching the situation from a different perspective, combining your regular web search with realtime results from the social web, and allowing you to easily share the hottest new stuff,  could be one of the most powerful tools we’ve seen in a while.

LeapFish is conducting private demos prior to the highly anticipated launch, if interested please email demo@leapfish.com
