Diddy Launches Most Positive Inspirational Blog in the World

Earlier today on Twitter, @IAmDiddy announced the completion of the trailer for the “most positive inspirational BLOG in THE WORLD.” Anyone who ever pays attention to tweets from Diddy is well aware of his excessively positive attitude and “LET’S GO!!!” demeanor. In addition to saying things in ALL CAPS on a regular basis and conveying urgency and excitement, he also tends to tweet positive and inspirational messages to his followers. If you combine this with the fact that he is fascinated with creating viral videos and garnering attention online, you might even wonder what took him so long to launch DiddyBlog.com.

The site is still in preview mode, so the only thing you see when you visit is the full screen trailer which includes commentary from Will Smith, George Clooney (as his character in The Men Who Stare at Goats), and Diddy himself. The overall message regards destiny and choice. Smith talks about the “redemptive power” of making a choice rather than simply letting things happen to you. The Clooney quote says “Your life is like a river, and if you’re aiming for a goal that isn’t your destiny, you’re always going to be swimming against the current.” Diddy talks about making mistakes sometimes, but always having the will to get up and keep going.

Overall, the trailer is telling you to get up, get out, and get something. This is probably one of the most important messages to inspire and motivate anyone. Most of us don’t fail because we are inadequate or ill equipped, it’s simply because we don’t try in the first place. Don’t let the river carry you.

Diddy has already been doing video blogs on on his PTWITTYTV channel, but most are not anything like this. They range from him streaming live from the studio, to random videos of his artists, to him talking seriously about Haiti. I’m wondering exactly what type of content we can expect to see on this new site. Will it be serious all the time, will it incorporate some of his personality and shenanigans, or will it be a mixture of both. Check out the trailer below and tell us what you think.