Snoop Dogg, Serena Williams, and Other Celebs Share How They Tweet

Today marks Twitter’s 5th birthday and they’ve launched a new discovery page to help new and existing users figure out who they should follow. The page includes a video with a star-studded cast. Everyone from Hilary Clinton and Gary Vaynerchuck to Dana White and Martha Stewart share how they use the popular micro-blogging service.

Serena shares how she follows her favorite band Green Day on Twitter so she can keep up with what they’re doing. Snoop Dogg admits following his “home girl” Martha Stewart “because she keeps it stuttered and buttered, baked and flaked, and she love to wake and bake with the big Snoop Dogg.”

There are some very interesting and intelligent people in the video and also listed on the site so that you can explore their profiles and follow them. If none of these popular people tickle your fancy, you can browse the general categories to “discover your world. ”

Even though Twitter has gone mainstream, most people still haven’t a clue what to do with it. This is a good move for Twitter in leveraging these celebrity personalities to give people ideas. Check out the video below.

via TechCrunch