Bookmarklet Key Bindings for Browsers

Once Google Chrome was released, I was attracted by it’s speed and agility. I was already tired of FireFox being so bloated with extensions anyway, so the fact that Chrome has none didn’t sway me. During the time I spent with Chrome, I amassed a collection of very useful bookmarklets. Most of them are covered in detail in 21 Bookmarklets to Fire Up Google Chrome.

I wanted to take things a step further, though. I had all the bookmarklets I needed to cause major damage, flooding, and general over-sharing, but I wanted to make it even easier to destroy my personal brand. This led me to create the Bookmarklet Bindings AutoHotKey script. All your favorite bookmarklets juts a key-short or chord away. Oh, and this script works for both FireFox and Chrome.

Bookmarklet Bindings Features

  • Win-v: paste-and-go
  • Win-alt-v: paste-and-go in a new tab
  • Ctrl-left/right: switch tabs in either direction
  • Ctrl-Alt-t: Twitter this
  • Ctrl-Alt-r: Tumble this
  • Ctrl-Alt-m: Gmail this
  • Ctrl-Alt-f: Share on FriendFeed
  • Ctrl-Alt-d: Diigo this
  • Ctrl-Alt-c: Clip this
  • Ctrl-Alt-p: Ping this
  • Ctrl-Alt-s: Share this

The script tries not to destroy whatever is currently in your clipboard.

Notes and Customizations

If you don’t like the default key-bindings or you would like to change what’s available, take a look at the source. It begins with a list of variables representing the various bookmarklets. The second section lists the shortcut keys, which you can easily modify.

For instance, the bookmarklet for Delicious is included in the script, but it isn’t used. You could replace Diigo with Delicious by changing the variable name later in the script.

I chose these specific bindings because they gave me the least amount of trouble and conflicts. If you use RoboForm shortcut keys, you may run into some issues. I simply disabled them in the Options dialog.

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Feature requests? Feel free to contact me or simply leave a comment.