Tech Week in Review 7-2-2010

Androids Continue to Multiply

Even though the iPhone 4 is taking much of the spotlight since it’s release last month, the Evo 4G has actually held its own against the established Apple device. Even still, it looks like Android devices roll in packs. Shortly after the iPhone 4, we learned about the Droid X from Verizon, which seems about as powerful as the Evo. Samsung is also dropping 4 new Android devices that will available on all four major US carriers.

Foursquare Gets a Gang of Funding and Patches Holes

It seems like privacy breaches are all the rage these days. White Hat Jesper Andersen found a privacy glitch within the Foursquare system that allowed access to private check-ins. The bug involved the pages for each venue, where people who checked in recently are shown in a grid. Even the faces of those with private accounts were showing up. It seems this bug was simply overlooked as Foursquare grew, but has been fixed at this time.

It seems this story was completely overshadowed by the fact that Foursquare secured Series B Funding of $20 million. This after they almost sold to Facebook. Remaining independent should keep things exciting for Foursquare and it’s growing base of users.

Amazon Acquires Woot

The one day one deal site with the quirky sense of humor, Woot, was acquired by Amazon for rumored $110 million in cold hard cash. Woot will continue to operate as usual, but under the Amazon umbrella along with Zappos and Audible. Woot paved the way for sites like Groupon and Gilt. In a letter to his employees, CEO Matt Rutledge says, “For Woot, our vision remains the same: somehow earning a living on snarky commentary and junk.”

Best Buy Goes After Evo 4G vs. iPhone Video Creator

Did you catch that Evo 4G vs. iPhone video? It’s absolutely hilarious and has been making the rounds for a little while, now. The problem is that Best Buy is not too happy about the video, which might possibly make some iPhone customers look bad and adversely effect Best Buy’s brand. The catch is that Best Buy is never mentioned or displayed in the video in any way. Even so, the creator of the video (who happens to sell mobile phones at Best Buy) may be losing his job over this. Best Buy was able to connect the dots based on other unrelated videos on the guy’s account. Bad move, Best Buy. This had nothing to do with you. Now, let’s all watch together and imagine it takes place inside of Best Buy with a Best Buy employee instead of in a random open field with two cartoon characters.

Google Gets Travel Data Company ITA Software for $700 Million

To expand their efforts in travel search, Google has acquired ITA Software. ITA is a key player in the online travel business, providing data to companies like Kayak, Orbitz, Bing, Expedia, TripAdvisor, and a number of other air travel websites. According to Google, almost 60% of airline tickets are purchased online. ITA tried to hold out for a $1 billion, but Google snatched them up at their original offer price of $700.

In a post on the official Google blog, they explain that the current landscape of online travel search is cluttered, confusing, and frustrating. Even for a simple flight from point A to point B, you have to dig through hundreds or thousands of options to find what you’re looking for. Google aims to make this entire process easier.

While online flight search is rapidly evolving, we think there is room for more competition and greater innovation. Google has already come up with new ways to organize hard-to-find information like images, newspaper archives, scholarly papers, books and geographic data. Once we’ve completed our acquisition of ITA, we’ll work on creating new flight search tools that will make it easier for you to search for flights, compare flight options and prices and get you quickly to a site where you can buy your ticket.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt explained to the press that he believes Google can “help solve the online travel problem and help improve the online travel ecosystem.” He also say that Google could drive more business to airlines and offer an innovative approach to the online travel business.

Having the largest and most successful provider of search tackle the problem of searching for flight data seems like a good deal. Google is in a good place to make search easier for users and drive more sales to ticket sales portals. Many don’t see it that way, including the companies that rely on ITA’s services. They even attempted to counter Google’s offer.

Google promises to honor all existing contracts and is “enthusiastic” about signing new ones. They still faces the issue of the deal being killed by regulators. Schmidt is confident that the deal will go through. Google doesn’t own any of the travel segment at this point and is only stepping into airline travel, not hotels or rental cars. These factors may help them in getting the deal done. You can check out some facts on the merger here.

Do you think this deal will have a positive effect on the online travel market?

LeBron James Trending on Twitter

Lebron James is a free agent and Twitter is buzzing with speculation as to what will happen. The attention this is getting on Twitter has many users wishing it would stop, while others point out that the Lakers are going to three-peat anyway, so his choice is irrelevant. Even Conan chimed in to give his take on Lebron James, saying “I don’t care where Lebron James ends up…as long as it’s not at 11pm on TBS.”

Lebron has already met with the Nets and has plans to meet with the Knicks this afternoon. This meeting has been confirmed on Twitter by @thenyknicks.

Nets billionaire owner Mikhail Prokhorov, rap mogul Jay-Z, coach Avery Johnson and other team officials spent more than 90 minutes making a presentation on Thursday to James, the two-time MVP and budding global icon who became the most celebrated free agent in history at 12:01 a.m. via MSNBC

The launch date for is nearing. This site is to serv as his online home and it’s likely the site will go live once LeBron has chosen a home team. For now, you can go to the site and sign up to catch the latest updates. Maybe he will announce his choice via SMS.

ESPN has actually launched a site devoted to tracking LeBron. The aptly-named LeBron Tracker has all the LeBron news you could shake a stick at. Including Podcasts, gear, polls, news, and a free agent slot machine to help you guess which players are going where.

Expect to see more of LeBron all over Twitter in the next few days. He still has upcoming meetings with the Miami Heat and the Chicago Bulls on Friday. The Cavs will talk to James on Saturday. It’s speculated that LeBron will announce his final decision on Monday, July 5th. Let’s just hope he doesn’t deliver his announcement alongside Justin Beiber at a Twilight screening and completely break Twitter forever.

Finland First Nation to Make Broadband a Legal Right

As of today, July 1st, Finland is guaranteeing every citizen of Finland at least a 1Mbps broadband connection with a promise to bump this up to 100Mbps by 2015. This puts broadband internet on the same level as other legal rights in the country like healthcare and education.

Net Law Man reports, that Finland is the first to make this a legal right, with Spain to follow suite. The UK has also passed legislation regarding broadband, guaranteeing 2Mbps connections to all citizens by 2012. They have not actually made broadband a legal right, though. On other related news checkout this blog about car accidents.

This means that broadband companies in Finland will be required to offer broadband internet to all customers, at least 1Mbps, starting July 1st. Finland’s communication minister Suvi Linden explained the thinking behind the legislation, which seems to mirror many sentiments about the digital divide in the US:

“We considered the role of the internet in Finns everyday life. Internet services are no longer just for entertainment. Finland has worked hard to develop an information society and a couple of years ago we realised not everyone had access,” she said. via BBC News

Here in the US, the Internet has become an important part of our daily lives. It has definitely moved beyond entertainment and become a necessity for success. Important things like looking for a job are almost impossible to do with no Internet. Gone are the days when we kept an encyclopedia in the home. Most are outdated by the Internet by the time they print.

While broadband internet as a legal right is a positive for many people, there are also other implications according. If the government is giving you your high-speed connection by law, it’s sure to come with a few unwanted bells and whistles. File-sharing is a hot topic as far as broadband goes and government mandated broadband connections might come with restrictions on what you can download.

The UK and France say they might cut off or limit the connections of those downloading movies, music, and other media for free. Finland will take a lighter approach in simply sending letters to the offenders and hoping they comply. As far as the US goes, there is no telling where the music and film industry might take things. The legal right to broadband is definitely a double-edged sword.

Google News Redesigned For Customization and Sharing

Google has just done a complete redesign of the Google News site which should make it much more interesting for users. Rather than a simple static page full of news you may or may not be interested in, Google is now making it possible for you to customize your sources and articles. This should make it easier to find news relevant to you.

The primary news feed on the site is now called News For You and you have almost complete control over what shows up. The next time you visit Google News, you should see a customization dialog mid-way down the page. This wizard will let you rate what topics you want to see based on how often you read them. You can specify Never, Sometimes, and Always for each topic.

If a specific topic seems to be missing, you can add it using the search box. For instance, type African-American in the box, click Add, and you can see the latest news related to the AA community. You can be pretty creative with what you specify here to get exactly what you want. You specify whether the layout is divided into topic sections or just a river or list of news stories. Once you find a story you like, you can hover the title to display more related stories.

You don’t have to customize your Google News. Simply close the personalization box without making any changes and Google News will work like it always has. If you have made customizations and are not happy with the results, simply open the customizations box and click Reset Customizations.

For more fine-tuned control, click the arrow on any cluster of stories and choose whether you want to see more stories from that source or less. From this menu, you can also shore the cluster via Email, Google Reader, Facebook, Twitter, or Google Buzz.

Last, but certainly not least, you can now navigate Google News using keyboard shortcuts. There are only a few now, but they come in very handy:

  • j or n – next story
  • k or p – previous story
  • . or f – open the options menu
  • s – star a story
  • / – search

Have you tried the new Google News?

How To Get Your Money Straight With Mint

Whether you are trying to prepare for your future or correct the mistakes of the past, money is always a factor. No matter how good we think we are at keeping track of our money, it often seems like it’s gone as soon as you get it. Goals that we set get pushed farther and farther back until they’re just distant dreams. Regardless of your income level, you need a clear and detailed management and tracking strategy to step your game up. offers an almost complete solution for your money management troubles. Not only will it help you keep track of transactions and balance your checkbook, but it will act as your assistant in planning for the future. If you’ve been banging your head against a hard object or avoiding the subject of money management entirely, Mint may be the solution you need.

Adding Accounts

Your first step will be to add your bank accounts. Mint has connections with most major financial institutions, so simply search for your bank and provide the relevant information. Mint downloads your transaction history and keeps it up-to-date when you login. Behind the scenes, Mint is also figuring out what you’re spending money on. In addition to your standard bank accounts, Mint also lets you add loans and investment accounts so that you can keep track of big-ticket items like your car or your home and also pay off those student loans.

Mint supports your PayPal and even some prepaid gift cards and credit cards. If you do a lot of cash transactions, Mint still has you covered. You can manually enter transactions as cash or check and even connect them to your most recent ATM withdrawal. If you are looking for an income-based repayment plans services,
visit for more info.

The Dashboard

The Mint dashboard shows you lots of useful information. Your accounts and balances are listed down the left side along with your Assets, Debt, and Net Worth. You will also find Trends here that may clue you in to things you didn’t know you were doing. Click the Trends tab across the top of your dashboard and you can really dig into where you might be making mistakes. Did you really spend 50% of your income on eating out last month? Should you really be devoting 25% of your income to random shopping?

Assigning Categories

To make sure you’re getting a good picture of where you’re spending your money, hit the Transactions tab and take a look at how Mint has categorized your transactions. Many may show up as Uncategorized so you will want to go through and pick a valid category for these. The easiest way is to select one of these transactions, choose “Show all Uncategorized” from the right sidebar, and then go down the list and fill in the blanks.

Setting Goals and Budgeting

Once you have the basics together, your next step is to start setting Goals. This is actually a new feature that was recently added to Mint. While the existing Budgets feature is good for setting up simple goals, this new feature lets you go into detail without being a financial expert. If you want to calculate what type of savings plan you need to get on to afford a new car, your dream house, or that vacation you’ve been thinking about, Mint can help you work out the details. Get the car of your dreams, get the best no credit check auto loan and get the car you deserve! The Goals feature asks you a few simple questions and figures out the rest for you. Check out the details on Goals here.

Ways to Save

Another section to investigate is the Ways to Save tab. This area will help you find the best financial tools for you based on your current situation. Everything from Credit Cards and Savings Accounts to Brokerage Accounts and Auto Insurance. It’s fine to just balance your checkbook, but the goal is to step your financial game up. Mint can help you track the basics and also show you how to make your money work for you.

The iPhone is Coming to Verizon in January

According to Bloomberg, the phone that has so many customers buzzing will finally be available on a carrier other than AT&T.

Verizon Wireless, the largest U.S. mobile-phone company, will start selling Apple Inc.’s iPhone next year, ending AT&T Inc.’s exclusive hold on the smartphone in the U.S., two people familiar with the plans said.

The largest carrier in the US will get the most popular phone as well. The news isn’t supposed to be public yet and neither Verizon or Apple will confirm or deny the leak.

Apple has had the iPhone on lock since 2007. During that time, they have made a ton of money from being the exclusive dealer for the iPhone. This is even amid complaints about their network being able to handle the load and a bunch of security mishaps surrounding the latest iPhone 4 launch. The relationship between Apple and AT&T has been trending downhill for a while now. We even asked the question here: Is exclusivity in Apple’s best interest? Apparently, the answer is “No.”

Apple sold 1.7 million iPhones in just three days after the iPhone 4 came out. Many speculated just how much more ridiculous those numbers would have been had Apple not been limited to a single carrier: AT&T.

“Apple is going to dramatically increase the number of devices it sells in the U.S. when exclusivity at AT&T ends,” said Hodulik, who is based in New York and rates Verizon shares “neutral.” “It’s hard to ignore the quality issues that AT&T has faced.”

Now, we will get to see exactly that. The iPhone has people buying phones at a time when the mobile market is near saturation and most people already have a phone. With that type of pull and the network reliability that Verizon offers, we should be in for some big numbers from Verizon and Apple next year.

One third of AT&T’s activations in the first three months of this year came from customers who were new to the carrier. I suspect that many iPhone activations involve people terminating their current contracts or otherwise jumping through a lot of hoops just to get the Apple device. I predict a similar move away from AT&T to Verizon when they officially launch the iPhone.

Mint Makes Tracking Financial Goals Easier just added a feature that may make your life that much easier and help you reach those financial goals you’ve been dreaming about. There are many tools out there for tracking your finances and setting up budgets. These range from desktop applications to web apps like Mint, Buxfer, and Xpensr. Most will tie into your bank accounts and keep your financial data updated directly from the source.

While this gives you a clear picture of where you stand, it doesn’t really do much for you in the long run. You know how much money you have in savings, but what are you saving for? You have a clear snapshot of what’s available in your checking account, but what should you do from there? This is where financial planning comes into play and it’s probably a topic that most people cringe from. Even if you have clear goals in mind, it’s often hard to see the path to those goals in your daily transactions.


In the past, you would need to do a lot of guess-work to figure out what type of budgets to set. Even with the advanced budgeting features in Mint, while they take your activity and other variables into account, still require you to make stuff up. Mint’s new Goals feature aims to take some of the burden from you and make this type of planning simpler.

As we dig ourselves out of debt or try to figure out the right decisions to make for our future, Mint’s Goals is the perfect companion. Once you’ve logged into Mint, you should see a new tab labeled Goals which takes you to the overview page. Most of the common goals that you might have are already here: paying off a credit card, saving for a car, going on vacation. If none of these presets fit for your goal, you can choose to create a Custom Goal.

Each goal runs you through a series of questions specific to that goal. Your answers help Mint figure out what your next steps should be. For instance, if you want to buy a new car, Mint will ask you whether you have a price in mind or a specific type of vehicle. It also offers a link to the KBB to estimate the cost of your dream car. There is also a feature where you can upload an image of your goal. Imagery definitely goes a long way to helping you stay focused.

Once your goal is set up, in can be tracked using an existing bank account or a new one. If you do not attach the goal to an account, it obviously cannot be tracked. Once you have assigned a goal to an account, you cannot assign any other goals to that account. This will help you to keep things simple and do one thing at a time. You can, however, attach a goal to multiple accounts. This comes in handy if you want to include your regular savings account and a long-term investment account.

Mint does a good job in pulling out the details necessary for you to reach your goals, but you have to actually do the work. A few tips from the Mint blog include:

  • Creating a separate account – it’s hard to mentally separate your money when you’re in a fix, so just make a separate account. You will be less likely to spend your savings if you make them a little harder to access.
  • Be realistic – you know how much you make a month, so don’t go budgeting for a house you saw on cribs just because the computer says you can.
  • Use automatic deposits – don’t rely on yourself to put the money away. Take advantage of direct deposit and make it so that you never even see the money.

via All Things Digital

Foursquare Secures $20 Million in Series B Funding

As Foursquare board member Bryce Roberts puts it, the “wire transfer heard ‘round the world” was authorized yesterday. The amount was a cool $20 million and it concludes a long and drawn out battle regarding Foursquare’s future. Early on, CEO Dennis Crowley toyed with the idea of actually selling the company. Yahoo and Facebook were both trying to court the young location-based startup.

During the battle for Foursquare, Andreessen Horowitz originally withdrew in the confusion, but this was part of the plan. They now lead this round of funding, cooperating with existing investors Union Square Ventures and O’Reilly AlphaTech Ventures. It’s hard to deny that Foursquare is a great opportunity. They have been able to forge partnerships with major brands before even receiving Series B funding. According to Horowitz, they have a “great Founder/CEO” and are going after a “gigantic market.” Specifically talking about Crowley, Horowitz says he sees the leadership traits they look for when investing and Crowley is a “keeper of the product vision.”

Crowley has put in a lot of work during the fundraising process. The money will be put to good use in expanding the company’s vision and work force. They need more engineers to expand the product. The current staff of 27 has outgrown their current location and will be moving into a bigger spot within the same building. “It’s awesome,” says Crowley, “we can hear them building it upstairs right now!”

A major point to keep in mind is the hard decisions Dennis Crowley and Foursquare had to make in the interest of turning a hot product into a successful company. “It is a really cathartic and emotional decision to make,” says Horowitz. “If you look at what those guys had to walk away from—generations of your people being set financially in order to try to build a great company—that takes a lot of courage.”

Remaining independent is an intelligent move for Foursquare. Any service can become location-aware. As a matter of fact, Twitter, Google Buzz, and Facebook are all now location-aware or in the process of adding the feature. Horowitz makes an extremely important point in that the value of Foursquare is not that it lets you share your location. As with many other successful web services, the value comes in the information that Foursquare holds and collects. Foursquare is only in the early stages of development and it has the potential for a very successful future.

Windows 8 Strategy Leaked

Looks like another employee has accidentally leaked company secrets. Well, not secrets about his own company. It seems one Derek Goode, in possession of slides on Windows 8, posted them online in a public place. Probably by accident, but you never know. An Italian blog then got their hands on the slides and the web has been buzzing ever since. The slideshow covers many details of the new operating system, including information on launch strategy and a Windows App store.

They are not all that specific on Windows 8 features, but offer a unique inside look at at Windows 8 and enough information that they seem pretty authentic. One slide shows that Windows has been eyeing Apple’s swag and looks to duplicate the same type of customer loyalty and ease of use.

Facial recognition is a pretty exciting feature to see coming. Windows 8 users may be able to avoid the hassle of logins and passwords entirely, while still being able to keep up some level of security. Simply sit down in front of your computer and your webcam identifies your face to let you into your system. User accounts can be stored in the cloud, so you can have a roaming profile. Carry your settings around wherever you go. This all creates a user-focused system for managing identities.

Once again, Microsoft appears to be recognizing trends and trying to stay on top of them. The slides show a focus on the customer as an individual, even in the case of enterprise. They repeatedly talk about the ecosystem around their software being an important factor in success. Engagement is also a major focus in choosing their target audiences as well as addressing their developer market.

Form factor is also a concern here. The slides talk about 3 major formats: Slate, Laptop, and All-in-one. Yes, they are discussing Windows Slate devices. Other features mentioned include:

  • A push-button reset feature which will do a complete re-install without destroying your personal data
  • Better help system so that users can fix things on their own
  • A Windows App Store
  • Fast startup. This seems to be a way to make boot/shutdown look faster by simply combining logout/login and hibernate.

Microsoft has yet to comment on the slides, but they do look pretty official. Each one has a watermark with a “Microsoft confidential – released to … Under NDA.” Another important point to note is that each slide also says “DISCLAIMER – WINDOWS 8 DISCUSSION, THIS IS NOT A PLAN OF RECORD.” This indicates that, assuming these slides are the real deal, the end strategy could be vastly different. More details at the Microsoft Kitchen.

Google Me is the Real Deal According to Former Facebook CTO

A few days ago, Digg CEO Kevin Rose tweeted about a rumor he had heard that Google was launching a new social networking service called Google Me. This is supposed to be Google’s answer to Facebook. Now, backing up Rose’s claim, Founder of Quora and Former Facebook CTO Adam D’Angelo responds with some details. Apparently, someone on Quora asked if Google Me was a “fake rumor,” “misleading evolutionary product update,” or an actual new social network from Google.

In his response, D’Angelo responds with the details he’s gathered so far:

  • This is not a rumor. This is a real project. There are a large number of people working on it. I am completely confident about this.
  • They realized that Buzz wasn’t enough and that they need to build out a full, first-class social network. They are modeling it off of Facebook.
  • Unlike previous attempts (before Buzz at least), this is a high-priority project within Google.
  • They had assumed that Facebook’s growth would slow as it grew, and that Facebook wouldn’t be able to have too much leverage over them, but then it just didn’t stop, and now they are really scared.

Sounds like a pretty believable story. Google hasn’t really made any moves to address Facebook directly. They probably didn’t see them as any type of competition and I think everyone was a little surprised by how huge Facebook has become. They have branched out into areas beyond simple social networking, even providing ways for content creators to plug into the social network using advanced widgets. The talent grab from FriendFeed had a huge impact. Who would have thought something as simple as a Like feature would become so popular across the web?

Regardless of Google’s past, I don’t think they have ever really attacked social networking directly. Google Wave was always a collaboration tool, regardless of how so many may choose to compare it to Twitter or Facebook. Buzz is still just an aggregator at this point, not very flexible and still literally locked inside your inbox. FriendConnect was cool for a second, but it’s almost completely faded into the background as it wasn’t really connected to anything.

That is really the point. Google has all the pieces. They have the technology. For some reason, they haven’t really put things together yet. Whether Google Me is a reaction to Facebook’s success or the last step in a long-term plan to social networking dominance, I do hope that the rumors are true. Real competition for Facebook only means better services for users.

screenshot via TechCrunch

mSpot Beats Google and Apple to Cloud Based Music

mSpot has launched the elusive music in the cloud solution that Apple and Google have hinted around at implementing. Right now, you can sign up for a free mSpot account and upload 2GB of your personal music collection to the cloud. You will be able to play your 2GB of music for free from any internet-connected Mac/PC and your Android mobile device. Sorry, iPhone users, no mSpot for you yet. mSpot doesn’t make you sync your devices or anything when you add music to your cloud, it just works with minimal hassle.


With mSpot, you are actually uploading your collection to the cloud. There is no matching/verification process like Lala had before Apple shut them down. This means that you are listening to your own collection and not a frustrating copy of it. As far as mSpot is concerned, this also means they don’t have to make any deals with the big record companies to stay in operation. They are simply offering a method of storing/playing your audio data in the cloud. We’ll see how far this takes them as similar services have faced lawsuits in the past.


Once your collection uploads, you can access the iTunes-like interface from just about any web browser. Your Windows Media Player, iTunes, or other music and playlists are automatically duplicated using the mSpot desktop client. Once you’ve installed the mobile app, you can access the same data from your phone. mSpot sets aside some local space on the phone (an amount that you can specify) to store a copy of what you’re playing. This is to guard against bad signal and preserve playback quality.

mSpot keeps things simple and has worked flawlessly for me so far. Both the web and the mobile interfaces were responsive, intuitive, and easy to look at. If 2GB of cloud storage is not enough, you can always upgrade:

  • Additional 10GB for $2.99/month
  • Additional 20GB for $4.99/month
  • Additional 50GB for $9.99/month
  • Additional 100GB for $13.99/month

While mSpot is now ahead of the curve, Google and Apple may both soon enter the fray as they have each already acquired a related service and seem poised to enter the cloud music space. If mSpot can avoid being crushed by these two competitors while avoiding lawsuits from the big record companies, they should do just fine. Until then, grab a free 2GB account and let us know how you like it in the comments.

How To Use FaceTime Without a WiFi Connection

One of the most exciting announcement that came with the iPhone 4 was FaceTime, a new video chat platform from Apple. FaceTime allows for real-time video chat with minimal lag. Just as exciting as FaceTime is, it comes with a few limitations. If you want to do a FaceTime chat with someone, you have to both have shiny new iPhone 4’s and you both have to be connected to WiFi. These are some pretty stiff limitations and take some of the air out of the announcement, but the DeviceKnit Blog has figured out a way to make things a little less restrictive.

It’s not so much a solution as it is a work-around. Rather than requiring you to be near a WiFi hotspot, you will need to create your own mobile one. The first step is to activate tethering on your iPhone plan, which will run you about $15/month. You will also need a laptop for this to work.

Turn on tethering in Settings > General > Network > Internet Tethering on your iPhone 4 and connect it via USB. You’ll see a new “iPhone USB” connection option pop up in the Network preference pane in System Preferences:


Go to the Sharing preference pane, and turn on Internet Sharing to share your USB connection over WiFi/AirPort:


Now, connect to the network you just created with your iPhone, and you can FaceTime all you want.

Again, it’s not really a solution to the problem. Best case scenario would be the ability to use FaceTime wherever you want and also without having to carry your laptop with you. This setup at least gives you some options for when you need to get your FaceTime on when you’re on the go. The extra $15/month isn’t really that serious if you are really into video chat.

We may see better solutions that get rid of the laptop tethering entirely once the iPhone 4 is officially jail broken, (it actually has been jail broken already, but the solution can’t be released at this time because it contains Apple’s code). The WiFi limitation on FaceTime is definitely something that many would love to get rid of, so expect to see more workarounds and solutions in the near future.

Tech Week in Review 6-25-2010

Hootsuite Makes Major Improvements


Just when you thought Hootsuite was the best social media management interface on the planet, it goes and gets even better. Hootsuite5 takes full advantage of HTML5, bringing you visually appealing themes along with improvements under the hood. The new interface offers more space for actual tweets, one of the biggest issues I always had with it. They’ve integrated Google Analytics so you can easily monitor your social media campaigns. Integrated GeoSearch shows you localized conversations. Drag & Drop upload, new (or old style) retweets, and InstaLoad (more responsive interface) are also included. Last, but not least, Facebook integration has been enhanced so that you can include thumbnails in your posts.

Apple Tells Customers They’re Doing It Wrong

When the photos of the iPhone 4 were released, people wondered what the bands were around the phone’s outer edge were for. Once the phone was released and we learned it was the antennae, many thought this was an awesome step in engineering and design. Now that people have the phone in hand, it seems they’re having serious reception issues caused by those same hands. Holding the phone a certain way, apparently the way everyone likes to hold their phone, interferes with the antennae and messes up your reception. Apple’s response? Don’t hold it that way. (via engadget)

Windows 7: The Fastest Selling Operating System in History

You can make any argument you would like against Microsoft, but it won’t change the fact that they now hold the title for the fastest selling operating system in history. 150 million copies of Windows 7 have been sold since October 2009. They are moving 7 copies of Windows 7 every second. That is a lot of Windows and it looks like the Vista backlash is long gone and forgotten.

Google Can Remote Wipe Your Android Phone

For some reason, Android security lead disclosed in a blog post that Google had removed a specific application from the Android Market. Not only that, but the application was also remotely wiped from phones that already had it installed. You read that right, Google has a kill switch on your apps. All of them. This might be scary except for the fact that it’s fully disclosed in the Android Market TOS. The feature is there so that malicious applications can be nuked. As a side note for those wondering why there was such an uproar over a similar feature in the App Store, Apple didn’t disclose the feature up front and still didn’t acknowledge it for several days after it was stumbled on by a developer.

Fort Greene Festival Gets An iPhone App

This weekend, June 26th, it’s going down at the Fort Greene Festival. A celebration of cultures, cuisine, and artistic diversity in Brooklyn. This is the second year that the festival is being help and it’s expected to attract a large audience. The Fort Greene Festival iPhone app provides the perfect companion guide to the festivities.

It includes a realtime map and approximate schedule of events. Bookmarking, sharing, and social media integration are also included. The app also collects Twitter updates that include the #fortgreenefestival hashtag. These are updated in realtime in the app and offer an easy way for users to interact with others at the festival. In two clicks, you can post your own update and broadcast to thousands of other festival attendees. As an added bonus, the app features a contest where you can enter to win a $50 iTunes gift card.

If you have ever been to a festival, you may already know how difficult it can sometimes be to figure out where the specific stage or event you want to see is located. Other times, you don’t even know where you are. The Fort Greene Festival app puts all that information in the palm of your hand and keeps you updated in real-time. The ability to see what others are saying about the festival, as it happens, could also be instrumental in finding out the hot spots of the moment.

Once again, we see the power of location-based services and mobile applications. With this iPhone app, not only can attendees figure out exactly what’s going on, but the festival organizers could make sure they direct people where they want them. This particular app only seems to tap Twitter, but messages could still be planted with the #fortgreenefestival hashtag.

They could have taken things a step further by having real-time alerts for each event, giving users a description and directions to find it. The app could also have featured popups to remind users about restaurants or other places where they could part with their money.

The Fort Greene iPhone app was created by Caravan Interactive, a local mobile marketing agency, and can be downloaded for free via iTunes. The festival is hosted by Malik Yoba and Rosie Perez with a headline appearance from Common.